Category Archives: Weightloss

Trying to build a routineĀ 

At the moment I intent to document my runs weekly however over time this may increase dependent on races and schedule.
Busy week this week and have had to fit runs in where I can so routine has gone haywire. This week started off with me getting married! Which was lovely but brings a certain amount of over indulgence. As it stands I’m at my second week training following a plan from virgin. The reason I use this one is 1) it was free 2) I used the beginning plan for the Liverpool rock and roll marathon in June and it worked so decided to up my game this time and try the intermediate. This should have been fifth week of training but with the wedding, stag dos! illness I struggled gaining momentum. Motivation is hard at the moment and forcing myself outside to run but that will improve with routine. 

Monday me and the new wife had a night away in a posh hotel that had a spa. In the gym there were a few Treadmills, now I don’t really do treadmill as I don’t feel it gives me a true representation of my running and fitness. I Started off easy and built up to 5k in 21 minutes which I was happy with but as mentioned previously on the road my 5k none ‘treadmill’ assisted is slightly slower than that. 3 miles in the tank is all I’ll say.
Thursday (40 minutes steady) This was my first day back at work after 10 days off and I managed 5 miles 41+ mins in my lunch break, I struggled and probably chose the wrong route but once I start a run I have to finish the one I’m on!! First 2.5 miles up hill and running out of town were hard and I definitely know the past few weeks indulgence have caught up! Once out of town I was struggling more than I ever have recently. Mentally this became hard for me!! Two miles and I’m struggling!! So I took a step back pace wise and plodded. Knew last 2 miles was generally down hill so kept ploughing on. Past Barrow bridge chimney made famous by Fred Dibnah and Back down Halliwell road into the town centre. At this point I was enjoying it more as it all down hill!! As a run I felt mixed emotions but over all I’m happy I went out.

Friday interval run- 10 mins easy, 5 x 2 mins interval 2 mins easy, 10 mins easy – Today began with me talking myself out of it. I’d been up since 4:30, an hour commute to work and meetings in the morning I was shattered by half ten however I knew once I was out of be fine. I opted for a straight out and back route i’d not planned but I knew from my previous training for my last marathon. I headed out of Bolton on a steady climb up Chorley New road towards the macron stadium. I had to do 40 mins running, 20 minutes one way cross the road and 20 minutes back. I started slower than normal purposely but still slow is difficult for me. Reason I run is I get there quicker hate hanging around but always in the back of my mind is the long game and you can’t sprint a marathon! I hit lucky with road crossings and only caught once which for such a busy thoroughfare is good!! I finished the run stronger than when I started which is a plus and I enjoyed the intervals as over all I felt much better than I did on my previous run. Today was a positive.

Positive from today = new runners!! 

Saturday 1hour 10 mins long run. Back to earth with a bang!! Didn’t start the day well as I woke up with my hamstrings tight but I’m back around home for my longer weekend run so thought that’s ok. Always a nice break from the streets and more importantly the hills of Bolton as where I live it is generally flat. Having said that today was torture and I’m left with more questions than answers. Have I slept enough? Have I fuelled well enough? Did I start too fast? Mentally today was hard. Positives from it were my new shoes got a first run and ultimately its 8.6 miles more than I’d done when I woke up!! Every cloud I suppose. I knew early today was going to be a slog when 3 miles in I was struggling and by 5 miles I’m in pain. This isn’t right, I’m normally stronger than that however today I wasn’t. Weirdly all I wanted to do was finish and eat a double decker! Now I plan a few days rest until my next outing on Tuesday I plan to use it to relax and contemplate what I did wrong today. Hopefully Tuesday will be a more positive experience but with a threshold run planned not sure it will be!!